Sunday, August 31, 2008

My hero!

Current mood: inspired
Category: Life

I have this friend who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. I have always had a high degree of respect for her, but my respect has risen to a whole new level. As it turns out, she has had a mastectomy and today is her seventh out of eight treatments. I called her this morning to tell her how proud I am of her and she was just completing her morning run...she didn't tell me the distance, but I can guarantee you it was probably over 7 miles. She runs marathons and 1/2 marathons and she is a total inspiration to me, but I don't want the point I am trying to make to be missed.

SHE WAS GOING IN FOR HER 7th TREATMENT, BUT NOT BEFORE SHE GOT A RUN IN! That's what I am talking about when I say Suck it up, Buttercup! She has a no B.S. commitment to running and she is not going to let anything, including CANCER get in the way. Holy crap! this is a regular person, not an olympic athlete or Lance Armstrong...she has a job, kids in college (3 to be exact!) and a life...and here she is kicking cancer square in the balls by going out and running before her Chemo...She rocks! and it is all in a days work. No whining, no bitching, no complaining...The world needs more people like her in it. she is my hero!


and yet another one...

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again. I am just checking to find out how all of this high-technology integrates with each other. I mean really. I am an old dog, but I am certainly learning new tricks...Check out some of these places and try them out for yourself. It damn sure doesn't hurt your search engine rankings. If you don't believe me just search for Robert D. Cass or Suck it up, Buttercup! on Yahoo or Google...Not bad huh? 9 1/2 more years of this and I should have something good to sell...Time will only tell...Rob


Robert Cass

Just checking to see how this appears...You know, me being a neophyte and all...Rob

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Not real good with names

Today I give the Suck it up, Buttercup! award to the guy who won the decathlon...I think his name is Brian Clay...but I am not real good with names. Anyway, this guy is a regular guy with kids and he finds time to be a good husband and father and whatever his day job is...and by the way, he is probably one of those guys that never misses a day or never complains about anything. And in his free time, he has the time to train for a decathlon...holy crap! that is a guy who does not use excuses! He embodies the spirit of SIUB! (Suck it up, Buttercup!)

To you, Mr. Gold Medal Olympic Decathlon Champion...the world needs more people like you!

By winning a gold medal, it is the equivalent of telling the world to SUCK IT UP, BUTTERCUP!



Friday, August 15, 2008

Apparel for Suck it up, Buttercup! Whodathunkit?

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Seriously. Who would have thought that anyone would ever buy apparel from a book, or about a book...crazy right? apparently not...I just checked my cafepress site, which happens to be and there were sales for the month of July..How cool is that?! Since nobody reads my blog, I will answer with a resounding, VERY COOL!
5 Items were bought and I can't figure out for the life of me where the sales came from, but because of the great age of computers, I can tell where the sale generated from...Ontario Canada! Rock on!

Suck it up, Buttercup!


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

This aint no disco!

nope, this aint no disco! this is the real world and nobody wants to hear any excuses. the world loves a leader that offers no excuses, so I don't offer any either. At some point you need to pick your ass up by the boot straps and haul yourself into the day with a vigor that only comes from within. You know what? today is one of those days, and come to think of it, every day is one of those days. Nobody is going to hold a parade for you, so you need to hold one for yourself. Get out there, get it done and be grateful that you have the opportunity to get ahead by working your tail off. That's how it is and it isn't about to change any time soon.

Rock on and stop whining.


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

No hugs for those who don't perform

This isn't elementary school or highschool. This is business. That's it. Sometimes, we just need results and not excuses. Everyone has an excuse. George Washington had plenty of excuses not to succeed, but none of them were acceptable. None of them were, I take that back, all of the excuses that George Washington were completely reasonable. The fact that he was unreasonable and uncompromising is the reason I have the freedom to write these words right now...whether anyone reads them or not. It is unreasonable to forge ahead sometimes and make things happen in an inelegant kind of way. But if that is what needs to happen then maybe it is the most elegant solution of all. After all, we can't always hug our way to success; at some point we need to break a sweat and be reprimanded for not meeting the requirements of success. Sometimes that sucks to hear, but the truth is you gotta have a little fear and a little drive to get ahead. Hell, our forefathers knew that.

Rock on!


Friday, August 1, 2008

First things First

If you don't have the olfactory gland that let's you detect sarcasm, then you probably won't understand the genuine genius that is known as Suck it up, Buttercup! thebook. The problem is that too many people expect to be spoon fed to the degree they can no longer think for themselves. Pity. Sarcasm is such a drippingly delicious morsel that should be enjoyed with a healthy sense of "shut the hell up, I was just kidding" humor. Lighten up a little. Laugh at yourself first, then you won't feel so bad when you laugh at others, or more importantly, when they laugh at you.

Nothing is so disarming as to be able to laugh at yourself with others.