Thursday, October 16, 2008

Lemonade! Lemonade!

The best time to tell someone’s character is....
when they are having a tough time. That's right, when people or nations are having a great time and money is flowing and everything is hunky-dory, it's tough to tell who has character and integrity. It's when things get tough that we get to see the ugly face behind the mask.

As the pressure cooker builds up pressure around the United States it will become clearer and clearer who has integrity and who doesn't. I am not talking about politics either, I am talking about regular people; you and I and our families. Who is ready to ride out this storm and who isn't? Who is going to resort to blaming the world for their problems and who is going to take the bull by the horns? Who is going to throw the lemons away, and who is going to make lemonade?

Time will only tell. These trying times are not an inconvenient interruption to what was a great life, these tough times create the opportunity to make our lives great!

I for one, am thankful that I have this tremendous opportunity to shine!

Call me if you would like to buy some lemonade!


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