Bail Out Plan
I know this is a radical plan...but how about everyone bail themselves out of the miserable condition that they are in. How about this...stop relying on the government to fix all of our problems all the time. too many people complain about the government and then turn around and ask for help the second they get into trouble. It pisses me off.
Nobody twisted your arm when you bought a house that you couldn't afford. And nobody twisted your arm when you refinanced your house to the hilt. And nobody twisted your arm to spend all of that money elsewhere on things that you couldn't liquidate or appreciate in value. In fact, you probably had to do some finagling to get the loan to go through in the first place. If not being able to afford it in the first place wasn't a red flag, then the fact that you and your loan officer had to do a kabuki dance to get the loan to go through should have been your real big wake up call. So now, you are in foreclosure or facing it and I have to bail you out? I don't think so! I have my own baggage from my own stupid mistakes to deal with and you know what? I am dealing with them, not you. so how about deal with your problems in a responsible way and pick yourself up by the bootstraps just like I have to do.
if everyone would just stop spending what they don't have, we wouldn't be in this big of a predicament...Is it going to take a long time to correct itself? YOU BET! It's all screwed up, it isn't supposed to get fixed over night...if it does, then it isn't a lasting fix. The problem is don't fix habitual problems overnight. If we were able to address the spending habits of 200 million people, then this quick fix might take root and truly solve something, but my name is not Gandhi and I can't pretend to have influence over 200 million people.
The debt is not the problem. The banking industry is not the problem, the American people are the problem...and yes I am one of them, and yes I AM part of the problem. Until we take personal accountability for ourselves and our collective contribution to the problem, the problem will never go away. There is no quick fix. It is as much a moral problem as it is a behavioral problem...and that is going to take a very long time to fix, if it can be fixed at all.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Right where you are supposed to be
Right where I am supposed to be
Put this one under any category you want...Consider that you are exactly where you are supposed to be and everything that is happening is happening is according to the master plan.
Here is the cool are late on your car payment because it is part of the master plan. You aren't feeling well because it is all part of the master plan. It kind of feels better to know that you are EXACTLY where you are supposed to be RIGHT NOW, even though it might not be where you want to be. Just know that everything happens for a reason and right when you think you are in the middle of one of life's hail storms, know that you are exactly where you are supposed to be.
We are almost never able to see through to the other side of life's storms and squalls, but if we trust that there are good things on the other side and furthermore that we will weather this storm as well as every other storm, we can begin to live our lives. Acceptance is key here folks. Stop resisting those things that we have no control over.
The one thing that you can control is your frame of mind. Think about it, there is so little that we actually control, but the one thing that is ours to control is our own state of mind and our own thought process. Of course there are exceptions, but by and large, that is all we totally control.
You are right where you are supposed to be...flawed and all. If the bill collectors are calling, be comfortable in the knowlege that it is not the end of the world and that it is all part of the master plan. If they keep calling again and again and again, you may want to take some evasive action like PAY YOUR BILLS...but, you control the thought process.
Take care,
Put this one under any category you want...Consider that you are exactly where you are supposed to be and everything that is happening is happening is according to the master plan.
Here is the cool are late on your car payment because it is part of the master plan. You aren't feeling well because it is all part of the master plan. It kind of feels better to know that you are EXACTLY where you are supposed to be RIGHT NOW, even though it might not be where you want to be. Just know that everything happens for a reason and right when you think you are in the middle of one of life's hail storms, know that you are exactly where you are supposed to be.
We are almost never able to see through to the other side of life's storms and squalls, but if we trust that there are good things on the other side and furthermore that we will weather this storm as well as every other storm, we can begin to live our lives. Acceptance is key here folks. Stop resisting those things that we have no control over.
The one thing that you can control is your frame of mind. Think about it, there is so little that we actually control, but the one thing that is ours to control is our own state of mind and our own thought process. Of course there are exceptions, but by and large, that is all we totally control.
You are right where you are supposed to be...flawed and all. If the bill collectors are calling, be comfortable in the knowlege that it is not the end of the world and that it is all part of the master plan. If they keep calling again and again and again, you may want to take some evasive action like PAY YOUR BILLS...but, you control the thought process.
Take care,
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Words Like Cannon Balls
Words like Canon Balls!
I have been told that at times I am like a bull in a china shop. It is true. When I have my mind set on something, I tend to persist towards my goal in a driving, blinding manner which is not always pleasing to those around me. I understand that and have made serious progress in understanding the dynamics of action and words.
Knowing that my passion is sometimes interpretted as aggression, I purposefully tone down conversations at times so that I don't appear to be aggressive. Understand that it is contrary to my nature, but I relish the challenge of personal growth. Well over a year ago, I encountered a highly volatile situation that was not going to be easily resolved. I lost sleep the night before the big confrontation and thought endlessly about the ensuing mess.
The next morning, I got up early and crafted my concerns as professionally and concisely as possible in the form of a one-page letter. I really worked on the tone and nature of the letter. My goal was not to make anything personal to anyone. My goal was to state my concerns in a professional manner.
As the meeting approached, I brought in a yellow legal pad and a couple of copies of the letter that I wrote. Sure enough, the meeting spiraled into a heated conversation. Up to that point, I was completely quiet, just observing the nature of the conversation. then I spoke up...quietly to be sure, but with reverence and conviction. My tone was absolutely even. I proceeded to read my letter. It had the effect of a bomb going off. The effect was not just instant, it was long lasting.
I severed myself from the company I had founded in that letter and the effects continue to ripple even to this day. There were only a few people present at that meeting that I still speak to and they recall a slightly different version of the story than I tell. They tell it with me being the loud and boisterous individual that I have been known to be. I know that is their perception, and from a perception stand point, they are absolutely right. In reality, I calmly read a letter which had the words like cannon balls, fired under the even tone of my breath.
The force of words can be catastrophic. I don't know that I have always understood or respected that. In fact, until recently, I am sure that I have not respected that idea. It is clear to me now, that we all have the power and weild it every day. Some of us use it wisely, some of us don't. But at least we should be aware of the power of our words. I am just beginning to understand the devastating power of our words and our intent.
(suck it up, Buttercup!)
I have been told that at times I am like a bull in a china shop. It is true. When I have my mind set on something, I tend to persist towards my goal in a driving, blinding manner which is not always pleasing to those around me. I understand that and have made serious progress in understanding the dynamics of action and words.
Knowing that my passion is sometimes interpretted as aggression, I purposefully tone down conversations at times so that I don't appear to be aggressive. Understand that it is contrary to my nature, but I relish the challenge of personal growth. Well over a year ago, I encountered a highly volatile situation that was not going to be easily resolved. I lost sleep the night before the big confrontation and thought endlessly about the ensuing mess.
The next morning, I got up early and crafted my concerns as professionally and concisely as possible in the form of a one-page letter. I really worked on the tone and nature of the letter. My goal was not to make anything personal to anyone. My goal was to state my concerns in a professional manner.
As the meeting approached, I brought in a yellow legal pad and a couple of copies of the letter that I wrote. Sure enough, the meeting spiraled into a heated conversation. Up to that point, I was completely quiet, just observing the nature of the conversation. then I spoke up...quietly to be sure, but with reverence and conviction. My tone was absolutely even. I proceeded to read my letter. It had the effect of a bomb going off. The effect was not just instant, it was long lasting.
I severed myself from the company I had founded in that letter and the effects continue to ripple even to this day. There were only a few people present at that meeting that I still speak to and they recall a slightly different version of the story than I tell. They tell it with me being the loud and boisterous individual that I have been known to be. I know that is their perception, and from a perception stand point, they are absolutely right. In reality, I calmly read a letter which had the words like cannon balls, fired under the even tone of my breath.
The force of words can be catastrophic. I don't know that I have always understood or respected that. In fact, until recently, I am sure that I have not respected that idea. It is clear to me now, that we all have the power and weild it every day. Some of us use it wisely, some of us don't. But at least we should be aware of the power of our words. I am just beginning to understand the devastating power of our words and our intent.
(suck it up, Buttercup!)
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Don't try this at home
Live on Purpose (Kids. don’t try this at home!)
You know, sometimes I wonder about people. I mean, they are wandering through their own lives like nomads; aimlessly. That is ok, if that is what you want, don't get me wrong. But I think there is something to be said for those few people who live "on purpose." Yeah, those people that are out there living their lives and trying new things and finding out what life is about. Challenging the status quo and finding their own happiness. I love it when I come across these folks either on purpose or on accident.
Try this little experiment. You may want to do this when nobody else is in the house so they don't think you are losing your mind...but I seriously want you to try this. Get in front of your bathroom, not the full length one...and no, I am not going to tell you to get naked (unless you want to be naked) I want you to get right up to the mirror where you can look into the eye of your soul. For a moment or two or as long as you like, stand there and look yourself in the eye like you have never done before. Stare hard at yourself and see if you can find your conviction. You are a fascinating person, complex and powerful. See if you can feel your power as you stare into your soul. See if you can feel conviction in your life. Ask yourself out loud, if you are built for this life? Ask yourself any question for that is the funny thing...You can't lie to yourself. I mean, you can lie to yourself, but it is much harder if you are looking yourself dead in the eye. Ask yourself an important question and see how you react to your own interview (now you can see why you may want to do this when you are alone)
Don't let yourself off the hook either, hold yourself accountable for answering with integrity. Then stop. That's right, stop. Just look at yourself eyeball to eyeball in the mirror and think about the person you are. Are you comfortable, uncomfortable, happy, sad? There is no right or wrong answer here, but do pay attention to how you feel as it is a key indicator to what is really going on in your life.
Personally, I feel incredibly focused and driven when I have these "mirror sessions." I love the conviction and energy that flows through my veins. Try it, I would be very interested to know what you experienced.
In the mean time, Suck it up, Buttercup!
You know, sometimes I wonder about people. I mean, they are wandering through their own lives like nomads; aimlessly. That is ok, if that is what you want, don't get me wrong. But I think there is something to be said for those few people who live "on purpose." Yeah, those people that are out there living their lives and trying new things and finding out what life is about. Challenging the status quo and finding their own happiness. I love it when I come across these folks either on purpose or on accident.
Try this little experiment. You may want to do this when nobody else is in the house so they don't think you are losing your mind...but I seriously want you to try this. Get in front of your bathroom, not the full length one...and no, I am not going to tell you to get naked (unless you want to be naked) I want you to get right up to the mirror where you can look into the eye of your soul. For a moment or two or as long as you like, stand there and look yourself in the eye like you have never done before. Stare hard at yourself and see if you can find your conviction. You are a fascinating person, complex and powerful. See if you can feel your power as you stare into your soul. See if you can feel conviction in your life. Ask yourself out loud, if you are built for this life? Ask yourself any question for that is the funny thing...You can't lie to yourself. I mean, you can lie to yourself, but it is much harder if you are looking yourself dead in the eye. Ask yourself an important question and see how you react to your own interview (now you can see why you may want to do this when you are alone)
Don't let yourself off the hook either, hold yourself accountable for answering with integrity. Then stop. That's right, stop. Just look at yourself eyeball to eyeball in the mirror and think about the person you are. Are you comfortable, uncomfortable, happy, sad? There is no right or wrong answer here, but do pay attention to how you feel as it is a key indicator to what is really going on in your life.
Personally, I feel incredibly focused and driven when I have these "mirror sessions." I love the conviction and energy that flows through my veins. Try it, I would be very interested to know what you experienced.
In the mean time, Suck it up, Buttercup!
live on purpose,
mirror sessions,
suck it up
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Let Them Eat Cake!
My version of "Let them eat cake!"
Current mood: focused
Category: Jobs, Work, Careers
So if you are comfortable with the idea of putting all of your eggs into one basket and you have taken the plunge to start a business; congratulations! Now you may come to a point in time where you want to take your business to a whole new level, when you make that decision, you may find that you need more capital. If you have arrived at that place, don't panic. In fact, you should be congratulated for taking the leap and understanding that you are going to give up some of your equity to make your vision a reality.
So, you begin taking money from investors and wouldn't you know it? the market changes! and it changes big! Now, the business plan that you had is completely out of whack because it has dried up overnight. What do you do? First of all, you re-read page 24 of Suck it up, Buttercup! then you take a deep breath.
Let's say that your business plan was to bake the perfect cake. Things were going along fine, then all of a sudden..BAM! Cakes are out and vegetables are in! What do you do? Well, like it or not, your investors have a right to recieve a return on their investment into your company. The last thing that they want to hear is that the market has changed, or that conditions are not right or that you couldn't get supplemental financing or better terms with vendors. They don't me on this one. They invested in an idea, and more importantly, they invested in YOU. Don't ever forget that ideas are great, but ideas don't make money, people do...more specfically, leaders do. So, if the market changes, you better make sure that you aren't drinking your own kool-aid, because if you are you are going down the tubes in a hurry.
Be open and brutally honest with yourself. Don't cut yourself any slack and don't give yourself any excuses for failure. If you need to change course, then analyze the facts, do your best to understand the influencing factors and make a command decision. Make it as subtle or as radical as you need it to be depending on the circumstances, but make a decision and then act on it.
So, if your investors wanted cake, let them eat cake, but in the mean time, get into a business that is profitable and that allows you to give them a return on their investment.
8:53 AM
Current mood: focused
Category: Jobs, Work, Careers
So if you are comfortable with the idea of putting all of your eggs into one basket and you have taken the plunge to start a business; congratulations! Now you may come to a point in time where you want to take your business to a whole new level, when you make that decision, you may find that you need more capital. If you have arrived at that place, don't panic. In fact, you should be congratulated for taking the leap and understanding that you are going to give up some of your equity to make your vision a reality.
So, you begin taking money from investors and wouldn't you know it? the market changes! and it changes big! Now, the business plan that you had is completely out of whack because it has dried up overnight. What do you do? First of all, you re-read page 24 of Suck it up, Buttercup! then you take a deep breath.
Let's say that your business plan was to bake the perfect cake. Things were going along fine, then all of a sudden..BAM! Cakes are out and vegetables are in! What do you do? Well, like it or not, your investors have a right to recieve a return on their investment into your company. The last thing that they want to hear is that the market has changed, or that conditions are not right or that you couldn't get supplemental financing or better terms with vendors. They don't me on this one. They invested in an idea, and more importantly, they invested in YOU. Don't ever forget that ideas are great, but ideas don't make money, people do...more specfically, leaders do. So, if the market changes, you better make sure that you aren't drinking your own kool-aid, because if you are you are going down the tubes in a hurry.
Be open and brutally honest with yourself. Don't cut yourself any slack and don't give yourself any excuses for failure. If you need to change course, then analyze the facts, do your best to understand the influencing factors and make a command decision. Make it as subtle or as radical as you need it to be depending on the circumstances, but make a decision and then act on it.
So, if your investors wanted cake, let them eat cake, but in the mean time, get into a business that is profitable and that allows you to give them a return on their investment.
8:53 AM
Friday, September 12, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
how many times do i have to tell you...
Current mood: catalyzed
Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes
How many times do I have to tell you that it's not about the goal! It's about the journey! The journey is the journey is the goal. To strive is the goal. The goal is an illusion, the journey is real. The fight is real. The belt is nothing. The workouts, the training, the commitment, the struggle, the tears, the passion...those are all real. The fake pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is bogus. don't miss the point.
It is all there is. Everything else is fake. don't prepare for the day when everything will be is here and it is the only day. Today. How will you act today? Right now! It's all that you ever have in every second of the day...all you have is, righ now. What are you going to do RIGHT NOW. History is being made RIGHT NOW! You are shaping your history RIGHT NOW! You are shaping your future, RIGHT NOW! Don't you get it? that is all that we ever have...every choice that we make every second of every day. Regardless of what you think you control, all you are really in control of is RIGHT NOW...what are you doing RIGHT NOW that will change your life, or make your life better or get you out of debt or make you skinny, or make you strong or make you healthy. I ask this because you have a decision to make and there is only one point in time that you can make that decision...and that pinpoint of time is RIGHT NOW!
What the hell are you going to do, suffer for the rest of your RIGHT NOW life? or will you make a decision to be fully aware all the time, right now. It is all we have. What are you doing right now?
how many times do i have to tell you...
Current mood: catalyzed
Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes
How many times do I have to tell you that it's not about the goal! It's about the journey! The journey is the journey is the goal. To strive is the goal. The goal is an illusion, the journey is real. The fight is real. The belt is nothing. The workouts, the training, the commitment, the struggle, the tears, the passion...those are all real. The fake pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is bogus. don't miss the point.
It is all there is. Everything else is fake. don't prepare for the day when everything will be is here and it is the only day. Today. How will you act today? Right now! It's all that you ever have in every second of the day...all you have is, righ now. What are you going to do RIGHT NOW. History is being made RIGHT NOW! You are shaping your history RIGHT NOW! You are shaping your future, RIGHT NOW! Don't you get it? that is all that we ever have...every choice that we make every second of every day. Regardless of what you think you control, all you are really in control of is RIGHT NOW...what are you doing RIGHT NOW that will change your life, or make your life better or get you out of debt or make you skinny, or make you strong or make you healthy. I ask this because you have a decision to make and there is only one point in time that you can make that decision...and that pinpoint of time is RIGHT NOW!
What the hell are you going to do, suffer for the rest of your RIGHT NOW life? or will you make a decision to be fully aware all the time, right now. It is all we have. What are you doing right now?
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Therapy or Start a Business
Ok, so you are thinking about starting your own business, right? Exciting, right? What are you STUPID? Have you really considered all that it takes to go into business? I suggest that anyone who decides to take the plunge to seriously have their head examined...seriously...I did. It's called therapy! and no I am not kidding. We all have baggage and it will absolutely come out in the wash, so you better make sure your head is screwed on straight before you throw your life into turmoil.
For starters, I am forever hearing about the next "great idea." Hell, I even had 2 retired Naval Officers (whom I have a ton of respect for) tell me about the next great idea. No real experience in the real world, no financials, no track record no answers for the basic questions and certainly no start-up experience. And yes, if anyone ever leaks this to the Naval Academy I am sure I will get raked over the coals. Whatever! Being a Naval Officer does not make you an entrepreneur! Deal with it, it is reality. It may help you become a successful entrepreneur, but it certainly guarantee it....
...but I digress. If you decide to forgo therapy you will find out very quickly where you are lacking in the development of your psyche. The pressure will find ways to seek the weakest points of you mind and explode them into business issues that you absolutely need to deal with. You can do it yourself, or you can employ somebody to deal with them, but one way or another, you will need to compensate for your natural misgivings. And believe me, nobody is perfect. the quicker you find out what your hang-ups are, the quicker you will learn to deal with them head-on or circumnavigate them. If you don't know what your hang-ups are, you are pretty much in for a rough ride. You can still succeed, but in my opinion, being an entrepreneur is more about knowing yourself than it is about knowing business. And if you had to know one before the other I would pick knowledge of self above business, for so many obvious reasons.
In any case, if you are stupid enough to jump in feet first, all I have to say is "Welcome to the jungle, baby!"
For starters, I am forever hearing about the next "great idea." Hell, I even had 2 retired Naval Officers (whom I have a ton of respect for) tell me about the next great idea. No real experience in the real world, no financials, no track record no answers for the basic questions and certainly no start-up experience. And yes, if anyone ever leaks this to the Naval Academy I am sure I will get raked over the coals. Whatever! Being a Naval Officer does not make you an entrepreneur! Deal with it, it is reality. It may help you become a successful entrepreneur, but it certainly guarantee it....
...but I digress. If you decide to forgo therapy you will find out very quickly where you are lacking in the development of your psyche. The pressure will find ways to seek the weakest points of you mind and explode them into business issues that you absolutely need to deal with. You can do it yourself, or you can employ somebody to deal with them, but one way or another, you will need to compensate for your natural misgivings. And believe me, nobody is perfect. the quicker you find out what your hang-ups are, the quicker you will learn to deal with them head-on or circumnavigate them. If you don't know what your hang-ups are, you are pretty much in for a rough ride. You can still succeed, but in my opinion, being an entrepreneur is more about knowing yourself than it is about knowing business. And if you had to know one before the other I would pick knowledge of self above business, for so many obvious reasons.
In any case, if you are stupid enough to jump in feet first, all I have to say is "Welcome to the jungle, baby!"
posted from Ling-Ling's computer...not the panda!
Friday, September 05, 2008
Current mood: driven
Good Morning from Ling Ling's not the panda, my partner Ling-Ling from China...lots going on right now, but really just wanted to check in to say that you just have to keep pushing to get ahead. It really isn't a secret, just keep pushing and keep striving, eventually the big bully called "life" will stop getting in your way because it isn't fun anymore, and he will quietly go away. Consider that the world is full of people who will let "life" bully them around, so it is much easier to pass you by than to bully you anymore.
This is an interesting trip...only time will tell if we are able to grow Eco-Green Living the way that I think we can. It's a ballsy move, even for me, but I wouldn't take it on if I didn't think we had a serious chance at it.
Keep your eye on to see how we progress! Also, it looks like we have just landed the re-election campaign for the Mayor of Virginia Beach...very cool!
Current mood: driven
Good Morning from Ling Ling's not the panda, my partner Ling-Ling from China...lots going on right now, but really just wanted to check in to say that you just have to keep pushing to get ahead. It really isn't a secret, just keep pushing and keep striving, eventually the big bully called "life" will stop getting in your way because it isn't fun anymore, and he will quietly go away. Consider that the world is full of people who will let "life" bully them around, so it is much easier to pass you by than to bully you anymore.
This is an interesting trip...only time will tell if we are able to grow Eco-Green Living the way that I think we can. It's a ballsy move, even for me, but I wouldn't take it on if I didn't think we had a serious chance at it.
Keep your eye on to see how we progress! Also, it looks like we have just landed the re-election campaign for the Mayor of Virginia Beach...very cool!
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