Friday, September 26, 2008

Rob's bail out plan

Bail Out Plan
I know this is a radical plan...but how about everyone bail themselves out of the miserable condition that they are in. How about this...stop relying on the government to fix all of our problems all the time. too many people complain about the government and then turn around and ask for help the second they get into trouble. It pisses me off.

Nobody twisted your arm when you bought a house that you couldn't afford. And nobody twisted your arm when you refinanced your house to the hilt. And nobody twisted your arm to spend all of that money elsewhere on things that you couldn't liquidate or appreciate in value. In fact, you probably had to do some finagling to get the loan to go through in the first place. If not being able to afford it in the first place wasn't a red flag, then the fact that you and your loan officer had to do a kabuki dance to get the loan to go through should have been your real big wake up call. So now, you are in foreclosure or facing it and I have to bail you out? I don't think so! I have my own baggage from my own stupid mistakes to deal with and you know what? I am dealing with them, not you. so how about deal with your problems in a responsible way and pick yourself up by the bootstraps just like I have to do.

if everyone would just stop spending what they don't have, we wouldn't be in this big of a predicament...Is it going to take a long time to correct itself? YOU BET! It's all screwed up, it isn't supposed to get fixed over night...if it does, then it isn't a lasting fix. The problem is don't fix habitual problems overnight. If we were able to address the spending habits of 200 million people, then this quick fix might take root and truly solve something, but my name is not Gandhi and I can't pretend to have influence over 200 million people.

The debt is not the problem. The banking industry is not the problem, the American people are the problem...and yes I am one of them, and yes I AM part of the problem. Until we take personal accountability for ourselves and our collective contribution to the problem, the problem will never go away. There is no quick fix. It is as much a moral problem as it is a behavioral problem...and that is going to take a very long time to fix, if it can be fixed at all.


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