Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Right where you are supposed to be

Right where I am supposed to be
Put this one under any category you want...Consider that you are exactly where you are supposed to be and everything that is happening is happening is according to the master plan.

Here is the cool are late on your car payment because it is part of the master plan. You aren't feeling well because it is all part of the master plan. It kind of feels better to know that you are EXACTLY where you are supposed to be RIGHT NOW, even though it might not be where you want to be. Just know that everything happens for a reason and right when you think you are in the middle of one of life's hail storms, know that you are exactly where you are supposed to be.

We are almost never able to see through to the other side of life's storms and squalls, but if we trust that there are good things on the other side and furthermore that we will weather this storm as well as every other storm, we can begin to live our lives. Acceptance is key here folks. Stop resisting those things that we have no control over.

The one thing that you can control is your frame of mind. Think about it, there is so little that we actually control, but the one thing that is ours to control is our own state of mind and our own thought process. Of course there are exceptions, but by and large, that is all we totally control.

You are right where you are supposed to be...flawed and all. If the bill collectors are calling, be comfortable in the knowlege that it is not the end of the world and that it is all part of the master plan. If they keep calling again and again and again, you may want to take some evasive action like PAY YOUR BILLS...but, you control the thought process.

Take care,


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