Saturday, September 6, 2008

Therapy or Start a Business

Ok, so you are thinking about starting your own business, right? Exciting, right? What are you STUPID? Have you really considered all that it takes to go into business? I suggest that anyone who decides to take the plunge to seriously have their head examined...seriously...I did. It's called therapy! and no I am not kidding. We all have baggage and it will absolutely come out in the wash, so you better make sure your head is screwed on straight before you throw your life into turmoil.

For starters, I am forever hearing about the next "great idea." Hell, I even had 2 retired Naval Officers (whom I have a ton of respect for) tell me about the next great idea. No real experience in the real world, no financials, no track record no answers for the basic questions and certainly no start-up experience. And yes, if anyone ever leaks this to the Naval Academy I am sure I will get raked over the coals. Whatever! Being a Naval Officer does not make you an entrepreneur! Deal with it, it is reality. It may help you become a successful entrepreneur, but it certainly guarantee it....

...but I digress. If you decide to forgo therapy you will find out very quickly where you are lacking in the development of your psyche. The pressure will find ways to seek the weakest points of you mind and explode them into business issues that you absolutely need to deal with. You can do it yourself, or you can employ somebody to deal with them, but one way or another, you will need to compensate for your natural misgivings. And believe me, nobody is perfect. the quicker you find out what your hang-ups are, the quicker you will learn to deal with them head-on or circumnavigate them. If you don't know what your hang-ups are, you are pretty much in for a rough ride. You can still succeed, but in my opinion, being an entrepreneur is more about knowing yourself than it is about knowing business. And if you had to know one before the other I would pick knowledge of self above business, for so many obvious reasons.

In any case, if you are stupid enough to jump in feet first, all I have to say is "Welcome to the jungle, baby!"


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