Saturday, March 13, 2010

...and the KACtS Award goes to......

...and the KACtS award goes to....

Current mood: excited
Category: Jobs, Work, Careers

Edward Torres!

just to follow up from my last blog...there are internal customers and external customers....Ed Torres works right next to me and he is the consummate professional! The guy is thorough, focused, driven, intelligent, articulate and just a hell of a guy.

That's why I have selected him as the most recent recipient of the KACtS (KICK-ASS-Customer-Service) is pronounced cactus...and the trophy is (you guessed it) a desk-top cactus! If you know somebody who works with you, for you, above you or below you...maybe it is someone you just think does a great job all the time, take it upon yourself to go get them a little award and let them know what it is all about...

If you appreciate the work that others do, take the time to let them know...there is too little recognition for those doing the right things and too much emphasis on those who are doing things the wrong way....

A little Kick Ass Customer Service (KACtS) goes a long way!

Rock On Edward!

and thanks for your hard work!



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