Thursday, February 11, 2010

I get my back into my living!

Put your back into it!

Category: Jobs, Work, Careers

For anyone who watched the half time show of the Super Bowl, you had a rare opportunity to see The Who perform live in a mixed medley...There have been some wildly mixed reviews, but I thought it was a great performance. They started off a little rough, considering that they don't have the pipes that they used to have...but it was, in my humble opinion, transcendent.

It's amazing how a phrase or a tune can take you back in time to the place when you first heard a song...or remind you of people that you remember. For me, The Who will forever remind me of my first friend at Plymouth Area High School way back in the 80's...a great guy named Bill Farrell...he is no longer with us, but I was happy to be reminded of his friendship during the half time show...I know he would have loved it...Among other things, I miss you Bill and wish you could have seen it...

The other thing about The Who is their gritty lyrics...Baba O'Reilly..."Out here in the fields, I fight for my meals, I get my back into my living..." Wow! I think more people need to "get their back into their living!" It's an investment, not just of your time, but also your physical energy. Do you get your back into your living? Can you even relate? Or do you just collect a paycheck?

I don't know...there is just something about that line that is so personal, so granular. It gets down to the heart of the matter...are you putting in the effort? or just going through the motions. You know, going through the motions only hurts you in the long run. Getting your back into your living takes commitment, energy and passion, maybe even a little fear.

All I am saying is that hard work never killed's good for the body, it's good for the soul and it is good for the mind. Put in an honest days work and enjoy the time you have off.

Anyway, I thought of that and wanted to pass it along...It's funny how many different ways you can incorporate the Suck it up, Buttercup! spirit into every day life.

Have a great day...Rob

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