Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A Magnet Called Gratitude

There are some people out there that seem to have all the luck. Then there are others who seem to be perpetually in bad spirits. I have studied successful people and attitudes for the better part of 20 years...maybe not from an academic point of view, but definitely as an interested third party and I have made some startling observations.

First of all, I am continually amazed at how grateful many successful people are. With gratitude comes humility and appreciation. This humility is not the self deprecating kind, but rather a sincere appreciation for the opportunities that have been presented and the gifts that have been bestowed upon those people. This genuine appreciation and gratitude seem to have the effect of a powerful magnet.

As far as I can tell, here's how it works. Let's say that you are completely grateful for your job. I don't care what the job is, let's just say that you are grateful for it...You may be grateful that you have a job at all, and that you are able to sustain a good life for your family. You may be grateful that you have work that you enjoy and for those folks that you work with and get to meet on a daily basis. If you are that person, you probably enjoy your trip to work in the morning, and you are probably more likely to say hello to your fellow workers and furthermore, take on more responsibilities at work. Hence, you gain more responsibility which ultimately leads to more income for you and your family and your success begets success.

On the other hand, let's say that you are not grateful for your job and you despise the ride to work every morning. You are pissed off when you get to work and resent the work that you have to do. You take every opportunity to avoid work and responsibility for that matter and can't get out of work quick enough. Ironically enough, you are not necessarily happy with your home life either (which is a topic for another day) Chances are that you are not going to attract many good things to your situation in your work life, because you aren't grateful for the few things you do have going for you.

As you appreciate things and are grateful, so expand the gifts and blessings in your life. The more grateful, genuinely grateful you are, the more that seems to come to you. I think that gratitude is one of the most under rated feelings that we can control. It is completely up to us whether or not we are grateful or not. That being said, it is under our own control to attract or repel more blessings and gifts to our own lives.

Do you have the magnet of gratitude?

Think about it...Rob

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