Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Rock Bottom

It seems there is a correlation that always been there, but that I have just made. Very specifically, that is the correlation between hitting rock bottom and building a solid foundation.

As with anything, the stability of your building relies completely on the foundation. This holds for the physical world as well as the philosophical. Well, many people understand the principles that allow great buildings to be constructed, but when it comes to their own lives they forget about all their intrinsic knowledge of foundations and go to work creating worlds and dreams based on weak foundations.

How do I know this? Because I am the king of building weak foundations. I have done it before and I will probably do it again. A funny thing happens though as you go through this amazing life...eventually and inevitably, you are going to hit rock bottom. We have all heard about this "rock bottom" indeed many great works of literature and film have been created around the rise and fall, then the rise from the fall.

It is a human condition that we cannot escape. Some of us, not me, are able to avoid hitting rock bottom until their death bed. Others hit it at an early age, but make no mistake about it, we all hit it at some point in our lives. Some of us, me included, have had the unique opportunity to hit rock bottom more than once. For this I suppose that I am not the sharpest tool in the shed, but never-the-less, it happens.

From this twisting and painful experience we are afforded the opportunity to rebuild from scratch. We are afforded the opportunity to create a more solid foundation than the one before and build higher and more stable futures. Unfortunately it is a natural occurrence that is a pre-requisite for building a strong future, or building, or family, or company...we must start from a solid foundation...so when you are at rock bottom, just think to yourself that you are at a great place to lay a solid foundation.

Keep the faith...Rob

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