Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Sound of Freedom!

as I blog, I can hear the wicked engines of F-18s flying overhead. How lucky can one guy be? On a good day I can almost read the writing on the side of the cockpit that tells me who the pilot is.

I know a lot of people bitch and moan about jet noise, but I for one, LOVE IT! It goes right through you and makes you feel alive. And if you are lucky enough to be around when one of them is pushing the limits of the sound barrier, you will know that they make a sound that is just awesome...Almost like a whistling sound as they slice through the air at a couple of hundred miles per hour...very cool.

Anyway, it is just a simple change in the way we think about the aircraft that makes me love the sound they make...It comes from knowing that they are on our side and defending our interests. Can you imagine how menacing those very same sounds are to the terrorists in the mid-east? For them, that sound is all too often followed by, or even worse, proceeded by the deployment of munitions...OUCH! That would definitely make me hate jet noise...but, like I said, I a lucky to live in a place where the only aircraft I hear are the ones that are on our side.

It will be a dark day when we hear the whine of the enemy's jets...a dark day indeed. Until then, I thank my lucky stars for living in a place that gives me a daily and sometimes hourly reminder of our military strength and our freedom to move about without restrictions or fear. Do I love jet noise? You betcha!

Rock on! and Suck it up, Buttercup

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